[星島日報] 免費幼兒教育即將落實,但學前教育的教育電視及電子教學資源,一直落後於中小學。教育局首次製作學前教育電視資源套,包含繪本、歌曲集、節目光碟、手偶公仔,準備在新學年派發全港幼稚園。負責課程設計的教育局高級課程發展主任鄭美儀指,新學年將增加數所幼稚園參與試教,希望能...
[都市日報] 開學才四個星期,便接連發生學生輕生事件,反映本港兒童及青少年的壓力問題嚴重,值得家長及學校老師多加關注。 兒童及青少年的壓力 很多家長及老師都難以察覺或輕視兒童及青少年的壓力問題,即使知道問題存在,都感到無所適從。兒童承受的壓力程度與成年人有別,若然他們感到...
Materials, nature provide an alternative classroom for young kids
[SCMP] Carbon-copy playgrounds; cramped classrooms; "car park" school grounds. Across the industrialised world, these are the...
Ease homework load on Hong Kong children, Finland's top envoy in city says
[SCMP] Hong Kong can learn from Finland's education system by easing the homework burden on students so both they and their parents have...
「最大成就」可能只當按摩師 視障狀元心事誰知
[都市日報] 「考上大學又如何?最後也是去做按摩師!」劇集其中一幕,一名失明的少年用輕鬆語調說出這個諷刺的黑色笑話。這句話,表面是搞笑的自我嘲諷,其實說出了一個殘酷的現實悲哀。現代社會教育和科技進步,協助有特殊需要的青少年在學習有所突破,每年放榜日子,定必有勵志的「殘疾狀元...
A focus on inequality and children's well-being will further our fight against poverty
[SCMP] Heads of state from around the world are gathering at the UN summit this week for the adoption of the post-2015 development...
Are Your Children Getting The 4 Fundamentals Of Education?
Parents in Hong Kong care about the education of their children like nowhere else I’ve ever known. Where else are children as young as...

57 per cent of Hong Kong’s ethnic minority children with special needs stop attending school
[SCMP] The high school dropout rate among local ethnic minorities highlights the increasing exclusion of the city's non-Chinese in the...
How critical thinking skills can prepare your child for the wider world
[SCMP] Probably the best way of understanding critical thinking skills is to start with the idea of not taking things at face value. We...
[都市日報] 處理智障人士的挑戰行為,先要對行為的前因後果作深入分析,從了解行為出現前的情況和事後的結果,去明白行為出現的原因和令它持續的因素。 明白了智障人士的動機和需要後,我們可在環境上作出調節,以減少誘發挑戰行為的外在因素。例如在前文所提及的自閉症人士,為了減低聲音對...