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Make your own e-exercise that suits your therapy.

Design your own therapy materials


The e-book editing tools or RainbowOne allows you to design your own materials, that follows completely the way you carry out a therapy. In RainbowOne, you can use different types of drag and drop that your patients can operate intuitively. You can use the camera or video camera to record your patient’s performance, and let their parents review them. There are many different kinds of learning components that help you design the e-book you want. 

Parents can help!


We know that carrying out therapies may not be enough, most of the time parents have to help the children at home or outside school. You can share your e-exercises to the parents of your patients, so that they can use it and guide student at home. In return, their parents can also record their children’s behaviour at home for you to review. Working hand-in-hand with parents is much more effective than relying simply on therapy.


Use more visual or audio stimulation


RainbowOne has a comprehensive graphic and photo library. Attract your patient with beautiful graphics and photos. You can also add audio clips of your own to stimulate their awareness. According to our experience, the best practice is mixing both e-materials to real materials. Since your e-book can be modified, you can always fine-tune your teaching method anytime you like.

Encourage student to speak and give them rewards


Some students are shy when they speak to a teacher. We found that students are not shy to speak to a tablet. Another reason is that they know you will listen to them and give them comments. You can listen to audio clippings of every students. Please give them stars or “Like” sticker in RainbowOne if they perform well. You can also prepare some real gifts for them. You can setup your redeem shop in RainbowOne, setting the stars needed for each gift. When they collect enough stars from you, they can exchange for real gifts from you. These exchange records are shown in the redeem shop. Positive reinforcement is effective for students with learning problem.

Want to know more?

Download our Quick Start Guide and create your first e-exercise using our templates!

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