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No more boring lessons. Students are engaged.

Classroom management platform facilitating interactions

Manage your e-Classroom with ease


Students are happy to use your e-book, but they have to be managed during lesson. RainbowOne provides a set of useful management tools. You can "black out" student screen, disable their input, use a timer, sync e-book pages and many more tools are coming. You can also customise your tool bar putting just those you frequently use.


Sometimes you come up an idea during lesson, and you want to know what your students think, a quick vote can help you. You can use it any time in your lesson with any e-book. Student can vote on your handwriting, other student screens or their drawing. You don't have to count the hands anymore!

Group activities,

good presentations


One of the best practices of 21th century learning is that student find the answers by themselves, through collaboration and presentation. Let RainbowOne helps you to group your students, assign students to different tasks in the e-book, your students can work them out together and give the whole class a good presentation. 

Competition make students active

Whether it is personal competition or group competition, your students will definite love it. Student feel they really learnt when they can answer quickly and correctly. Group competition motivates students to discuss before answering. Even a simple photo shooting activity with no standard answer, student feel happy when he is the first one submitting the answer!

Rewards and feedback

Everybody love rewards. When student submit their answers, rather than just tick and cross, you can give them virtual "Like" stickers anywhere on their work. They will get it immediately and satisfied instantly. You can also give them "stars". When they collected enough stars they can exchanged real gifts at the "Redeem shop" at RainbowOne. Of course you can manage what prize are there in the Redeem shop and how many stars are needed.


Lastly, you can get any student screen, write your comment and guidance on it and they will get it immediately.

Classroom News. Stay tuned

You can post classroom activities to the news board, such as photo of group activities, group presentation slides, voting results, student screen and more. Student and even parents can review it after lesson. They can also comment or "like" it.

Start an interactive lesson with students now!

Download RainbowOne and enjoy for free with 2 teacher and 40 student accounts!

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